The Power of Self-Belief and Motivation: Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Cheerleader

I once had “my own biggest cheerleader” all over my social media. It was a part of my digital identity, a tagline across various social platforms: my Instagram bio, blog, dating apps — you name it. Back then, it felt true. Today, it doesn’t feel that way anymore. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In the past year or so, I have noticed that I’ve become my own biggest parasite. My biggest rash. My biggest pimple. One I just can’t seem to pop no matter how much I squeeze it. Sorry for the graphic slash disgusting metaphors. In other words, I’ve become my worst critic, my biggest obstacle. And it.. sucks?!

When the tiniest thing happens, I swallow all the positivity I’ve had until that point and resort to a dramatic display of drowning in doubt and despair. (damn, that alliteration tho)

I don’t cheer. I lash out. Not at others, but myself.
I don’t do cool stuff with sparkling pompoms. I fight with bleak thoughts.
I don’t chant a series of catchy phrases over and over again. I list what pisses me off. On a loop. In my head. (and occasionally to my boyfriend, thx, you’re the real MVP)
I don’t make backflips. I curl up in the fetal position and cry.

I’ve been feeling moody and overreacting dramatically. My automatic response to challenging situations has shifted towards self-criticism, and it’s become my default reaction. I find myself responding to these challenges with harsh self-criticism, and I can’t help but feel frustrated, almost silly, and even guilty about it. It’s as if all my self-medicating techniques to improve my mood have vanished into thin air.

I jumped too high, aiming for the top of the pyramid, only to fall even faster than I ascended.

I stopped doing things I once enjoyed and there’s nobody to blame but me. I can come up with excuses all day, but there is no one to point that finger at other than myself, really. I keep saying I got busy with life, but, what is life without making time for what truly matters? I forgot to enjoy

I know it’s a whole load of bs. Everyone has a “busy” life. I’ll just admit I got lazy. And tired. Tired of chasing the meaning of life on a daily basis, lol. But we all know that


It might sound pathetic, but it’s the truth. And now, I can’t stand myself for taking ten steps forward, making so much progress, only to stumble fifty steps back. Tripping over my own clumsy feet.

I hate my anger. I hate my self-pity. I hate my self-doubts and worries. The best thing to do? Turn them all into self-motivation. Yada yada I know. Become my own cheerleader, again.

I know I got the cheer choreography down, I’m just not ready or in the mood to perform it. Yet. Doing that takes willpower, effort, and patience. And I prefer to procrastinate as of now. So I’ll cross that motivational bridge when I get there, mkay? Mkay. 



Side note: Never have I cheered in my life, and neither do I have the flexibility or knees for it. All I know about cheerleading is from 2000s teen romcoms and 2010s teen series.

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